Delicacies of fish

Grilled sardines

  • Clean the sardines, put them in a bowl with the marinade prepared with oil, garlic, parsley, rosemary. Thus prepared bake for five minutes on each side on the grill or electric grill. Serve with tomato sauce or with garlic and chopped parsley.
  • Sardines on grill

  • Clean the sardines from the shells, remove them and clean the bowels. Put them on a board to drain well and arrange them in the prepared marinade of olive oil, crushed garlic and chopped parsley. The prepared fish left in the marinade to half an hour. In the meantime, prepare the grill and remove the sardines from the marinade, arrange on grill and cook about 4-5 minutes on each side. When sardines golden brown, remove them from the grill, sprinkle with salt and olive oil.

Marinated mackerel

  • First of all, clean the fish and leave the oil on for about an hour. Then fry on both sides in a well heated grill or grill and serve with lemon slices and sauce of olive oil, chopped garlic and parsley. For further protection, and enjoyment of fish in the summer, grilled mackerel can be kept in a fish marinade. For the marinade in a little oil fry the finely sliced ​​carrots and celery, some chopped parsley leaves and onions. Then, in equal proportions water and add the white wine, vinegar, bay leaf, woman garlic, thyme, cloves, and 1-2 tablespoons of crushed white pepper. When boiled, marinated and cooked on a low heat for about half an hour. When cool, agrees to the ranks of red fish, then red marinade and so on until you have used up all the ingredients. Before eating fish in the marinade must stand for a few days.

Salted anchovies

  • At the bottom of the prepared dish, place a thin layer of sea salt, and then begins to arrange anchovies and so it goes head to head and tail to tail. Was then added and the salts of the following line at the end of the final turn of salt. After that was capped and put the weight on the surface about how the weight of the fish. After two days of fish and so let the juice and inspect if there is blood in the solution and if there is then replaced with a new rasvorom salt and water. After two months, it can be said that the anchovy mature, meaning in that it separates the meat from the bones.

Fish stew with sirun, bonito and mackerel.

  • Sirun, bonito and mackerel cleaned, cut off the head and cut into smaller pieces. Potato chop, warm oil and saute a little salt. Then add: chopped garlic, paprika, white wine, lemon juice, season as desired and cook them gently. Add mackerel and cook for 50-60 min. over low heat, do not stir but shake the pan. Cut parsley added at the end of a side dish of your choice-rice, mashed potatoes, polenta.